I had coffee yesterday with my friend Fergus Greer, which was nice, as I haven't seen Fergus in some time. Fergus is fresh from the opening of his Leigh Bowery photo-exhibit in New York - by all acounts a raging success. For those of you are unfamiliar with either Fergus or Leigh Bowery - Mr. Bowery was a very influential artist/performer in London's golden-age of clubland. Fergus is a photographer of international renoun, and his images of Leigh Bowery have been shown across the world. If you have seen a photo of Leigh Bowery, it was probably one of Fergus' pictures... Like I say, it was good to see Fergus in such good form, and I hope that his new (top secret) project is a great success... The world is full of photographers, especially Los Angeles, but Fergus is unique in a business filled with sameness...
Fergus Interviewed on Leigh Bowery Site
BUY Fergus Greer's Leigh Bowery Book