I couldn't resist posting this photograph of the legendary Phil Dirtbox - resplendant in a rather unsual, and vaguely Mr. Pickwick-like hat. Apparently this snap was taken at the 2005 Clerkenwell Literary festival. I imagine Phil was performing poetry, as he has a microphone in his hand... Strangely enough I spoke to Phil on Wil Blanchard's cell-phone about 6 months ago. That would be the first time I spoke to Phil in a decade. Oftentimes between then and now Michael Holden would regale me with Phil Dirtbox stories... Anyway - I realize how hum-drum my world is without the likes of Phil on the horizon each week. Phil introduced me to the likes of The Final Program, and the finer points of pub Karaoke... So, here from Los Angeles Phil Dirtbox - we salute you!