It was great to go to the Bansky 'Barely Legal' show in LA - but not really because of the artwork. My old high school friend Adam Lawrence was over with FHM to photograph the event. I haven't seen Adam in almost twelve years. He didn't look any older - and was in terrific good humor. We had a brief lunch with Morris, went to Disneyland with Lee Coan (from FHM), and had an amusing dinner at Musso's with Bansky's publicist Jo Brooks, her partner Jackie, and a posh lad from The Times called Luke Leitch. Above is a great picture of Margie (taken by Adam) in front of the much publicized 'painted elephant.' Also in attendance (aside from Brad & Angelina and Keanu) were my friends Mr. Miles (Siggins) and Dean Karr. Solomon (Mansoor) was doing the door - phew - what a blast-from-the-past. Haven't seen Solly in years... LA just keeps getting smaller and smaller... For the record, I really want to thank Nick Egan for getting me on the list... It made me feel special and connected again... Which, as anyone who knows me is aware, I'm certainly not. Well, not these days...